HUMM90 HELP & Support
Account Closure

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How do I close my humm90 account?
How do I close my humm90 account?
Step 1:
Cancel all direct debits and automated repayments made to your humm90 account.
Step 2:
Check my Account and ensure there are no pending transactions. If pending transactions are present, you will need to contact the merchant.
Step 3:
Destroy your card and any additional cards linked to your humm90 account.
Step 4:
Complete our Online Closure Request form or request closure in the customer portal (My Account) or the mobile app.
If you have a balance owing on your account, we will send you a payout quote within five business days.
Where there is no balance owing, we will close the account within five business days and send you confirmation.
Please Note:
- Accounts can only be closed by the Primary Cardholder or their legal Power of Attorney.
- If you have an active Long Term Interest Free plan, we will be in contact to cancel this and confirm the payout quote amount.
- You will keep access to the humm90 mobile app and online portal in case you need to access any statements.
- If you have a credit balance and we have your bank account details, we will automatically issue a credit balance refund.